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Need a special support outside your country?

We can help with that !

Pride Institute prides itself on always supporting and having as main practices the inclusion and respect for others ❤️

I'm not Brazilian and I want know more about Pride Institute !

Sou brasileiro e moro no exterior, quero saber como posso ser atendido !

Sobre psicoterapia Internacional para Brasileiros

A distância não é um problema ! Aqui na PRIDE conseguimos adaptar nossos serviços para te acolher com a maior proeza o possível, desde atendimentos à distância até o pagamento adaptado para a sua demanda !

Carlos Dias

Cognitive behavioral therapy / CRP: 06/87719
Hey! I have been a psychotherapist since 2010 with experience in dealing with anxiety, stress and burnout cases and also with LGBTQIA+ and black populations
Portuguese / English

Brisa Vanazzi

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy / CRP: 01/24447
Hello, my name is Brisa, I am a psychologist trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. As a therapist, I seek to base my work on affection and care, providing a space for welcoming and development. I am passionate about psychology, I believe in the transforming power of human connections and in the commitment of my work to social causes!
Portuguese / English

Débora Gramkow

Psychodrama / CRP: 01/23089
Hi! My name is Débora, I am a psychologist and I work from the point of view of psychodrama. Respecting each person's subjectivity and considering each person as unique and complete, I don't believe there is a single way of working with everyone.
Portuguese / English

Luiz Fernando

Terapia Sistémica e Hipnosis Ericksoniana / CRP: 01/14486
¡Hola! Soy Lufe, profesor, con publicaciones sobre Igualdad de Género y Mujeres Trans y psicoterapia, además de amplia experiencia en atención a parejas, familias, problemas de relaciones sexuales, traumas, fobias, ansiedad y depresión.
Português / Español

Um pouco de nossa equipe !

Felipe Medeiro

Felipe Medeiro

Fundador, sócio administrativo, consultor, supervisor e Psicólogo | CRP: 01/21378

Luiz Fernando

Luiz Fernando

Sócio Administrativo do Instituto, supervisor, consultor e Psicólogo | CRP: 01/14486

Luana Nascimento

Luana Nascimento

Gerente Administrativo

Daniella Martins

Daniella Martins

Diretora & Psicóloga | CRP: 01/26830

Crislany Ferreira

Crislany Ferreira

Psicóloga | CRP: 01/21980

Maurício Dorninger

Maurício Dorninger

Psicólogo | CRP: 09/007213

Rodrigo Veríssimo

Rodrigo Veríssimo

Psicólogo | CRP: 01/19845

Danny de Castro

Danny de Castro

Psicólogo | CRP: 04/66227

Carlos Dias

Carlos Dias

Psicólogo | CRP: 06/87719

André Alves

André Alves

Psicólogo | CRP: 01/24597

Yuri Pina

Yuri Pina

Psicólogo | CRP: 01/22562

Aline Alves

Aline Alves


What if I dont speak portuguese?

You don't have to worry ! We got your back !

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